Friday, June 21, 2013

Grape Table

Here is a beautiful table, that I haven't quite figured out what I want to do with yet.  The base is butt ugly - so I think I will resin jewels and such on it - just have to figure out how to make the material stay put - resin likes to move and drip!  I don't think anyother adhesive will work on metal - so I'll have to experiment.  Yes - for sale, but give me time to beautify it!

Mission San Jose Mosaic Mural

Here are two photos of the mural created by myself and dozens of volunteers.  Took more than a hellish week to get the mosaic up, but it is beautiful and the experience has been very uplifting for me.

CalTrans Scenic Route Sign - via Mosaico di vetro

I have always loved the Scenic Highway signs with the poppy - produced by CalTrans.  Mine is stained glass and gold smalti.

Lagunitas Brewing Dog that was supposed to be purchased by them - but it never happened.  Now the dog is at Califonria Craft Beers on Mission if you would like to see it.  For sale $650.00